Emerging Leaders
A year long package designed to support those in middle leadership roles.
Each term there will be one face to face session at Learning Network 9.30-3pm and one ONLINE session after school 3.30-5pm
Term 1: F2F February 21 /ONLINE March 20
Term 2: F2F May 16/ ONLINE June 12
Term 3: F2F July 25/ ONLINE August 28
Term 4: F2F October 17 /ONLINE November 20
The programme is designed to give aspiring and newly-appointed middle leaders the skills they need to be successful in their roles. Using a combination of face-to-face workshops and online sessions, we will explore the following.
- The middle leader’s role: understanding the difference between leadership and management; exploring a range of leadership models to find your own authentic approach to leadership.
- Building an effective team: developing norms and agreed ways of working; managing conflict in teams.
- Change leadership: building momentum for change, minimising barriers to adoption; accelerating progress.
- Accountability and self-review: internal accountability; professional conversations; coaching and mentoring.
In addition to these core areas, we will also explore a range of ‘productivity hacks’ to help you maintain your own and others’ well-being, run effective meetings and keep on top of everything else you have to do.
Mark is an educator by background and has worked across the New Zealand education system for nearly three decades as a teacher, school leader and consultant. Mark initially trained as a primary teacher before working in the secondary sector for 15 years, most recently as a foundation Deputy Principal at Albany Senior High School, the country’s first ILE high school. The majority of Mark’s work in schools is based on leadership development and supporting schools to implement change projects large and small. Mark holds a PhD from the University of Melbourne on change leadership, and he has published widely nationally and internationally on how to ensure change efforts a successful in schools.